
Chris Glubka

Born near the ocean but never got a chance to see the sea until age 11, I haven't lived further than 50 miles from the shoreline ever since.  The ocean waters have always seemed to rejuvenate me, hard to explain but when I haven't tasted seawater in my sinuses for some time, it's like needing a Gatorade after a workout, it just refreshes me.  After graduating near the top of my high school class, it took me 10 full years to get a bachelor's degree.  But the timing must've been right because from there I began meeting people in the professional world who would guide my life down a path I never envisioned.  15 years I had the great opportunity to work in the capital markets and finance world and each step of the way had terrific mentors.  From a college professor who opened the door for me, to the most intelligent and hard working individual I ever had the fortune of knowing (and learning from her as she persevered in a male dominated industry) to a great colleague but better friend to capping my career working with a man with biggest heart and desire to share it I've ever known.  Thank you all of you.  My family never really knew where I was but never stopped telling me it was the right place to be, and that support kept me going.  After 9 years aboard SeaGlub and 4 great years in Mexico, it was time to set out for the horizon and French Polynesia.  Covid limited the time you could stay but after reaching Fiji in August, the Pacific travels have been extremely rewarding.